Anuncio publicitario
¡Apunta al mundo : África, muestra lo mejor de ti a la humanidad!!
Las recomendaciones de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) son muy claras en el punto 17.3: «Movilizar recursos financieros adicionales de múltiples fuentes para los países en desarrollo.»
Evidentemente, el continente africano no puede desarrollarse replegándose sobre sí mismo. Además, no sería prudente quedarse confinado a las viejas formas de cooperación, que ciertamente siguen siendo útiles, pero que, sin embargo, han llegado a sus límites.
Es por eso que «Saigloin–África» ofrece un enfoque único y verdaderamente innovador: a saber, que los africanos inician interacciones multifacéticas y diversificadas con absolutamente todos los países del mundo; que exploren otros horizontes hasta ahora desconocidos para ellos.
Para facilitar esto, por lo tanto, ofrecemos a cada uno de los países africanos, para dar a conocer a través de nuestra plataforma, al mostrar su información en nuestras páginas dedicadas «Best of», lo que tiene mejor para mostrar, compartir, ofrecer. , en un asociación ganar-ganar.
La magia y el poder de Internet, sumados al hecho de que queremos establecer asociaciones y puntos focales creíbles y confiables en cada país, garantizarán que otros africanos vean «lo mejor de…«. Y sobre todo, necesariamente se presentará a los países del G20 y al resto del mundo. Entonces ganarás dos veces.
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- Sed et turpis ullamcorper
Best of Cameroun
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of République Centrafricaine
Costs in Advance
Personal Advisement Services
Technology Planning
Best of Tchad
Managed Hosting
IT Outsourcing
eCommerce Solutions
Best of Comores
Environmental Sustainability
Energy Audits
Green IT Analysis
Best of Congo (République Démocratique du)
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Congo (République du)
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Côte d’Ivoire
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Djibouti
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Égypte
Costs in Advance
Personal Advisement Services
Technology Planning
Best of Guinée
Managed Hosting
IT Outsourcing
eCommerce Solutions
Best of Érithrée
Environmental Sustainability
Energy Audits
Green IT Analysis
Best of Eswatini
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Éthiopie
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Gabon
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Gambie
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Ghana
Costs in Advance
Personal Advisement Services
Technology Planning
Best of Guinée
Managed Hosting
IT Outsourcing
eCommerce Solutions
Best of Guinée-Bissau
Environmental Sustainability
Energy Audits
Green IT Analysis
Best of Kenya
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Lesotho
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Libéria
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Libye
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Madagascar
Costs in Advance
Personal Advisement Services
Technology Planning
Best of Malawi
Managed Hosting
IT Outsourcing
eCommerce Solutions
Best of Mali
Environmental Sustainability
Energy Audits
Green IT Analysis
Best of Mauritanie
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Maurice
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Maroc
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Mozambique
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Namibie
Costs in Advance
Personal Advisement Services
Technology Planning
Best of Niger
Managed Hosting
IT Outsourcing
eCommerce Solutions
Best of Nigéria
Environmental Sustainability
Energy Audits
Green IT Analysis
Best of Rwanda
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Sao Tomé et Principe
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Sénégal
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Seychelles
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Sierra Leone
Costs in Advance
Personal Advisement Services
Technology Planning
Best of Somalie
Managed Hosting
IT Outsourcing
eCommerce Solutions
Best of Afrique du Sud
Environmental Sustainability
Energy Audits
Green IT Analysis
Best of Soudan du Sud
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Soudan
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Tanzanie
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Togo
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Tunisie
Costs in Advance
Personal Advisement Services
Technology Planning
Best of Ouganda
Managed Hosting
IT Outsourcing
eCommerce Solutions
Best of Zambie
Environmental Sustainability
Energy Audits
Green IT Analysis
Best of Zimbabwé
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
List of the 54 independent states of Africa in alphabetical order
- A
- Algeria
- Angola
- B
- Benin
- Botswana
- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
- C
- Cabo Verde
- Cameroon
- Central African Republic (CAR)
- Chad
- Comoros
- Congo, Democratic Republic of the
- Congo, Republic of the
- Cote d’Ivoire
- D
- Djibouti
- E
- Egypt
- Equatorial Guinea
- Eritrea
- Eswatini (formerly Swaziland)
- Ethiopia
- G
- Gabon
- Gambia
- Ghana
- Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau
- K
- Kenya
- L
- Lesotho
- Liberia
- Libya
- M
- Madagascar
- Malawi
- Mali
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Morocco
- Mozambique
- N
- Namibia
- Niger
- Nigeria
- R
- Rwanda
- S
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Senegal
- Seychelles
- Sierra Leone
- Somalia
- South Africa
- South Sudan
- Sudan
- T
- Tanzania
- Togo
- Tunisia
- U
- Uganda
- Z
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe