Vive l’ADLG !
En Iran, épouses de diplomates africains, ou femmes diplomates africaines, en service au sein de l’une des missions, ou encore expatritées africaines vivant à Téhéran, sans tenir compte des rangs et grades des uns et des autres, nous avons décidé d’être d’abord et avant tout des Amies, mieux, des Soeurs venues d’Afrique, notre continent.
Unies, solidaires,, déterminées, créatives, inventives, nous avons redynamisé l’ADLG (African Diplomatic Ladies Group).
Nous en avons fait un forum pour nous éviter de connaître et vivre la solitude, l’ennui si loin de nos pays. Nous en avons fait un espace où continuer de nous cultiver, d’apprendre.
Nous en avons fait un moyen au service de l’épanouissement harmonieux de nos enfants. Nous en avons fait un instrument de promotion de notre continent et d’expression de la générosité des Africains.
Coffee Morning avec causeries thématiques, voyages-découvertes de certains pays, célébration des fêtes de noël, des Journées de l’Enfant africain, dons à des institutions caritatives dans notre pays d’accueil, organisations de Bazars africains …
Grâce à votre enthousiasme, nous avons pu réaliser tout cela. Et chacun de nous en garde encore des souvenirs quasi intarissables. Merci à toutes d’avoir permis que nous vivions ces moments-là.
Mais nous restons des Africaines, et notre continent a encore bien besoin de notre énergie, de notre solidarité, de la richesse des expériences que nous avons acquises, même quand nous n’avons plus été en Iran, de notre dynamisme.
Et puisque les quatre lettres ADLG resterons pour nous comme le symbole des belles valeurs que nous avons su cultiver là-bas, je vous propose que nous conservions ADLG comme notre slogan, comme notre cri de ralliement, que nous réveillions l’ESPRIT ADLG, en nous appuyant sur l’Internet et ses applications comme les réseaux sociaux.
Je vous propose que nous créions un puissant réseaux de fraternité, d’amitié, de solidarité entre nous et d’actions au service du développement de l’Afrique qui a encore besoin de notre énergie.
Je vous propose que nous ravivions la Flamme ADLG qui ne s’est jamais étiente en nous et que ADLG renvoie à African Dynamic Ladies Group.
Certaines de nos Soeurs nous ont quittées. Mais leur Souvenir est vivace en nous. De là-haut, elles seront heureuses de nous voir redonner vie à notre belle oeuvre commune et la poursuivre.
Remarquez, la plupart de nos enfants de Téhéran, sont devenues des jeunes femmes adultes et je ne doute pas un seul instant qu’elles seront enchantées de contribuer au rayonnement de la nouvelle organisation ADLG dont je vous propose la création.
Grâce à cette nouvelle ADLG, et à cet espace sur ce site internet destiné à la promotion du meilleur de l’Afrique, nous pourrons faire pratiquement tout ce que nous faisions à Téhéran, via le net: les coffee morning thématiques, les bazars africains. Et surout, nous aurons l’occasion d’organiser des voyages de groupe qui seront l’occasion de nous retrouver.
Vive notre belle fraternité !
Vive notre solide amitité !
Vive la vraie solidarité entre nous africaines !
Vive l’ADLG pour que vive l’Afrique !
Votre Simone T.
Initiatrice de la nouvelle ADLG
(Past President de l’ADLG)
Et si “ADLG” devient …
“African Dynamic Ladies Group” (ADLG)
SOUVENIRS, SOUVERNIRS… et si nous nous souvenions un peu, de tous ces beaux moments partagés à Téhéran, au sein de l’ADLG ?
Nous avons passé de très beaux moments ensemble. Revivons-les en images, pendant que nous travaillons activement à jeter les bases de la nouvelle ADLG.
A nos Soeurs parties trop tôt et que nous n’oulions pas
Madame Damatang Camara
You can adjust the layout for each Block at three different device widths – desktop, tablet, and mobile.
Comment nous pouvons organiser nos “COFFEE MORNING”
L’Afrique ne manque pas de ressources intellectuelles de grande valeur. Et, es réseaux sociaux qui seront le complément et le prolongement de cette page, notamment, Facebook et/ou YouTube, seront les espaces à travers lesquels, sur un sujets qui présente un intérêt à vous yeux, nous ferons intervenir une experte ou un expert.
- Early Entrepreneurs: This program covers what you haven’t done yet, whether it’s business plan writing, going after financing, building a winning startup team, finding HR resources or hiring out your back-office tasks.
- SME Owners: Whether your office has one person or fifty, our SME owners’ program helps you build business efficiency, while balancing family time, outsourcing tasks and improving your business’ long-term outlook.
- Mentoring for Fortune 500: Do you want to change your game up to a whole new level? If you’re moving into high-end enterprise, you’ll need more than a business degree; you’ll need to know the ins and outs of executive operations.
- Marketing for the Busy Businessman: Social media, content marketing, conversion ratios – if you don’t have time to pick up a marketing degree, our marketing program will give you the basics to get the word out there about your business.
Donnez-nous de vos nouvelles !
Mme xxx depuis la Belgique vous salue
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real estate end of the business while
Bonjour de Mme xxx au Soudan
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real
Mes amitiés depuis xxx le Qatar
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real estate end of the business while
Mme xxx depuis le Canada vous salue
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real estate end of the business while
Bonjour de Mme xxx au Chili
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real
Mes amitiés depuis xxx le Senegal
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real
Mme xxx depuis la Zambie vous salue
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real estate end of the business while
Bonjour de Mme xxx au Kenya
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real
Mes amitiés depuis xxx le Japon
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real estate end of the business while
L’africaine du mois
La “Palme ADLG” à Madame xxxx
When a business already offers great consultancy services, where can it go from there? At Amazing Business Consulting, we’re proud to announce several new services we’ll have available for our clients starting late spring 2015. Several service expansions are also underway, providing accounting, marketing, business writing and mentoring services for busy entrepreneurs.
When a business already offers great consultancy services, where can it go from there? At Amazing Business Consulting, we’re proud to announce several new services we’ll have available for our clients starting late spring 2015. Several service expansions are also underway, providing accounting, marketing, business writing and mentoring services for busy entrepreneurs.
When a business already offers great consultancy services, where can it go from there? At Amazing Business Consulting, we’re proud to announce several new services we’ll have available for our clients starting late spring 2015. Several service expansions are also underway, providing accounting, marketing, business writing and mentoring services for busy entrepreneurs.
découvrez les richesses de l’Afrique !
Nous allons organiser un Bazar de l’ADLG en ligne, une fois par mois. Et les produits resterons exposés pendant trois semaines, le temps que les éventuels clients les découvrent et passent leurs commandes. Chaque membre de l’ADLG disposera de cette vitrine pour exposer 4 produits phares de son pays et de son choix.
Vitrine du Zimbabwe
Nous allons organiser un Bazar de l’ADLG en ligne, une fois par mois. Et les produits resterons exposés pendant trois semaines, le temps que les éventuels clients les découvrent et passent leurs commandes. Chaque membre de l’ADLG disposera de cette vitrine pour exposer 4 produits phares de son pays et de son choix.
Mme xxx depuis le Canada vous salue
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real estate end of the business while
Bonjour de Mme xxx au Chili
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real
Mes amitiés depuis xxx le Senegal
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real
Mes amitiés depuis xxx le
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real
Vitrine de la Côte d’Ivoire
Nous allons organiser un Bazar de l’ADLG en ligne, une fois par mois. Et les produits resterons exposés pendant trois semaines, le temps que les éventuels clients les découvrent et passent leurs commandes. Chaque membre de l’ADLG disposera de cette vitrine pour exposer 4 produits phares de son pays et de son choix.
Mme xxx depuis le Canada vous salue
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real estate end of the business while
Bonjour de Mme xxx au Chili
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real
Mes amitiés depuis xxx le Senegal
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real
Mes amitiés depuis xxx le
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real
Vitrine du Mali
Nous allons organiser un Bazar de l’ADLG en ligne, une fois par mois. Et les produits resterons exposés pendant trois semaines, le temps que les éventuels clients les découvrent et passent leurs commandes. Chaque membre de l’ADLG disposera de cette vitrine pour exposer 4 produits phares de son pays et de son choix.
Mme xxx depuis le Canada vous salue
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real estate end of the business while
Bonjour de Mme xxx au Chili
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real
Mes amitiés depuis xxx le Senegal
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real
Mes amitiés depuis xxx le
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real
Vitrine du Kenya
Nous allons organiser un Bazar de l’ADLG en ligne, une fois par mois. Et les produits resterons exposés pendant trois semaines, le temps que les éventuels clients les découvrent et passent leurs commandes. Chaque membre de l’ADLG disposera de cette vitrine pour exposer 4 produits phares de son pays et de son choix.
Mme xxx depuis le Canada vous salue
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real estate end of the business while
Bonjour de Mme xxx au Chili
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real
Mes amitiés depuis xxx le Senegal
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real
Mes amitiés depuis xxx le
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real
Vitrine du Maroc
Nous allons organiser un Bazar de l’ADLG en ligne, une fois par mois. Et les produits resterons exposés pendant trois semaines, le temps que les éventuels clients les découvrent et passent leurs commandes. Chaque membre de l’ADLG disposera de cette vitrine pour exposer 4 produits phares de son pays et de son choix.
Mme xxx depuis le Canada vous salue
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real estate end of the business while
Bonjour de Mme xxx au Chili
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real
Mes amitiés depuis xxx le Senegal
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real
Mes amitiés depuis xxx le
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real
ADLG : Conseils santé
Comment lutter contre les rides précoces
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real estate end of the business while we take care of the paperwork, allowing them to build their operation to 28 realtors in five states.
Les secrets pour hydrater votre peau
June Grey started out as a one-woman freelance marketing firm who wanted to teach clients how to effectively market their business for better business gains. Ten years after we helped write her business plan, she’s a national seminar speaker.
Soins naturels contre le rhumatisme
Owner John Green came to us eight years ago with a problem. He’d made signs for over 20 years, but didn’t know anything about starting a business. We helped him with our Early Entrepreneurs program and he now has shops in 12 states.
Les feuilles qui font baisser la fièvre des enfants
When pilot Marie Chu came to us, she’d already spent several years in business. She needed to create marketing campaigns that got results without taking all her time for a new “Date Flight” service that included fine dining. By the time we were finished, she’d already booked her schedule for a month of flights.
ADLG : Initiatives pour sauver la Planète
Heading Level 4
Blocks provide you with everything you need to build a larger page.
Heading Level 4
Blocks provide you with everything you need to build a larger page.
Heading Level 4
Certain elements will be centered on mobile devices and tablets and aligned to the left or right on a desktop display.
Heading Level 4
You can adjust the layout for each Block at three different device widths – desktop, tablet, and mobile.
Voyage de Groupe:
Notre prochaine destination
When your business needs to compete in a global market, it needs to stand out as a shining example of how to do things the right way in your industry. Our professional development programs help you do that!
Our team of amazing consultants will work with you one-on-one or in small groups at your site to create exceptional branding and marketing themes to make your business noticeable in all the right ways. We’ll help you polish your business’ public face to perfection.
We understand that building your business makes your schedule crazy. For that reason, we don’t want to add to the chaos, so our consultants maintain a flexible schedule to meet your needs on your timeframe.
Vous voulez être les sponsors du voyage de groupe de l’ADLG ? Contactez-nous !
Contact us today for more details, to get a free quote on our services or to schedule an appointment.
Cuisine africaine : recette ADLG de la quinzaine
Ngbô au Gnangnan avec Carpe d’eau douce
- Early Entrepreneurs: This program covers what you haven’t done yet, whether it’s business plan writing, going after financing, building a winning startup team, finding HR resources or hiring out your back-office tasks.
- SME Owners: Whether your office has one person or fifty, our SME owners’ program helps you build business efficiency, while balancing family time, outsourcing tasks and improving your business’ long-term outlook.
- Mentoring for Fortune 500: Do you want to change your game up to a whole new level? If you’re moving into high-end enterprise, you’ll need more than a business degree; you’ll need to know the ins and outs of executive operations.
- Marketing for the Busy Businessman: Social media, content marketing, conversion ratios – if you don’t have time to pick up a marketing degree, our marketing program will give you the basics to get the word out there about your business.
Feuilles de Tarot
Sélections videos ADLG du mois : mon beau pays l‘OUGANDA
Parfois, les belles images remplacent tous les beaux textes. Pour ce mois de Juin 2020, en collaboration avec le ministère ougandais du Tourisme et de la promotion du partimojne national, l’ADLG vous invite à la découverte de la tradition et de la modernité en Ouganda.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eu dignissim tortor, sit amet bibendum lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eu dignissim tortor, sit amet bibendum lacus.
Massive Enterprises Inc.
Transforming Businesses
Starting out as one of our first clients, Massive Enterprises has seen amazing growth over the past 20 years. We were able to take entrepreneur Jeffrey Bihel and help polish him into the Fortune 500 executive he is today, from initial business plans for a one-man operation to a large multi-national corporation with ties in five continents.
Our strategic partnership with Massive Enterprises has provided us with some great insights into how high-level executives operate and has provided us with a number of mentors available with whom our clients may partner. Whether you’re a small startup or just need to take your career to the next level, we can get you there.
Massive Enterprises Inc.
Transforming Businesses
Starting out as one of our first clients, Massive Enterprises has seen amazing growth over the past 20 years. We were able to take entrepreneur Jeffrey Bihel and help polish him into the Fortune 500 executive he is today, from initial business plans for a one-man operation to a large multi-national corporation with ties in five continents.
Our strategic partnership with Massive Enterprises has provided us with some great insights into how high-level executives operate and has provided us with a number of mentors available with whom our clients may partner. Whether you’re a small startup or just need to take your career to the next level, we can get you there.
We’re Proud to Introduce Massive Enterprises Inc. As A New Partner
Amazing Business Consulting is proud to announce our strategic partnership with Massive Enterprises Inc. Our long history with this Fortune 500 company goes back to its founder, Jeffrey Bihel, as a new entrepreneur. Our partnership will help provide additional mentor opportunities to our extensive client list. As part of our partnership agreement, Mr. Bihel will be offering programs through our company in mentoring, entrepreneurship and startup business tactics.
Alexander Real Estate
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real estate end of the business while we take care of the paperwork, allowing them to build their operation to 28 realtors in five states.
June Grey Consulting
June Grey started out as a one-woman freelance marketing firm who wanted to teach clients how to effectively market their business for better business gains. Ten years after we helped write her business plan, she’s a national seminar speaker.
Peoria Express Signs
Owner John Green came to us eight years ago with a problem. He’d made signs for over 20 years, but didn’t know anything about starting a business. We helped him with our Early Entrepreneurs program and he now has shops in 12 states.
Fine Flights
When pilot Marie Chu came to us, she’d already spent several years in business. She needed to create marketing campaigns that got results without taking all her time for a new “Date Flight” service that included fine dining. By the time we were finished, she’d already booked her schedule for a month of flights.
New Services Coming Soon
When a business already offers great consultancy services, where can it go from there? At Amazing Business Consulting, we’re proud to announce several new services we’ll have available for our clients starting late spring 2015. Several service expansions are also underway, providing accounting, marketing, business writing and mentoring services for busy entrepreneurs.