목표 1: 모든 곳에서 모든 형태의 빈곤 종식
1.1 2030년까지 현재 하루 1.25달러 미만으로 생활하는 사람들로 측정되는 극빈층을 모든 곳에서 근절합니다.
1.2 2030년까지 국가 정의에 따라 모든 측면에서 빈곤 속에 살고 있는 모든 연령대의 남성, 여성, 아동의 비율을 최소한 절반으로 줄입니다.
1.3 바닥을 포함한 모든 사람을 대상으로 국가적으로 적절한 사회 보호 시스템과 조치를 구현하고 2030년까지 빈곤층과 취약계층에 대한 실질적인 보장을 달성합니다.
1.4 2030년까지 모든 남성과 여성, 특히 빈곤층과 취약계층이 경제적 자원에 대한 동등한 권리를 가질 뿐만 아니라 기본 서비스에 대한 접근, 토지 및 기타 형태의 재산, 상속, 천연자원, 재산에 대한 소유권 및 통제권을 갖도록 보장합니다. 소액 금융을 포함한 적절한 신기술 및 금융 서비스
1.5 2030년까지 빈곤층과 취약한 상황에 처한 사람들의 회복력을 구축하고 기후 관련 극한 현상과 기타 경제적, 사회적, 환경적 충격과 재난에 대한 노출과 취약성을 줄입니다.
1.a 개발도상국, 특히 최빈개도국이 모든 측면에서 빈곤을 종식시키기 위한 프로그램과 정책을 시행할 수 있도록 적절하고 예측 가능한 수단을 제공하기 위해 개발협력 강화 등 다양한 자원의 상당한 동원을 보장합니다.
1.b 빈곤 퇴치 활동에 대한 투자 가속화를 지원하기 위해 빈곤 퇴치 및 성 인지적 개발 전략을 기반으로 국가, 지역 및 국제 수준에서 건전한 정책 프레임워크를 구축합니다.
Francisco Waters
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eu dignissim tortor, sit amet bibendum lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Developing Professional Polish & Save the world
When your business needs to compete in a global market, it needs to stand out as a shining example of how to do things the right way in your industry. Our professional development programs help you do that!
Our team of amazing consultants will work with you one-on-one or in small groups at your site to create exceptional branding and marketing themes to make your business noticeable in all the right ways. We’ll help you polish your business’ public face to perfection.
Flexible for Your Needs
We understand that building your business makes your schedule crazy. For that reason, we don’t want to add to the chaos, so our consultants maintain a flexible schedule to meet your needs on your timeframe.
Contact us today for more details, to get a free quote on our services or to schedule an appointment.
Dynamic Programs to Boost Your Business’ Success
- Early Entrepreneurs: This program covers what you haven’t done yet, whether it’s business plan writing, going after financing, building a winning startup team, finding HR resources or hiring out your back-office tasks.
- SME Owners: Whether your office has one person or fifty, our SME owners’ program helps you build business efficiency, while balancing family time, outsourcing tasks and improving your business’ long-term outlook.
- Mentoring for Fortune 500: Do you want to change your game up to a whole new level? If you’re moving into high-end enterprise, you’ll need more than a business degree; you’ll need to know the ins and outs of executive operations.
- Marketing for the Busy Businessman: Social media, content marketing, conversion ratios – if you don’t have time to pick up a marketing degree, our marketing program will give you the basics to get the word out there about your business.
Alexander Real Estate
Alexander Real Estate started out with a couple of realtors who were drowning in back office work. With our services, they’ve been able to focus on the real estate end of the business while we take care of the paperwork, allowing them to build their operation to 28 realtors in five states.
June Grey Consulting
June Grey started out as a one-woman freelance marketing firm who wanted to teach clients how to effectively market their business for better business gains. Ten years after we helped write her business plan, she’s a national seminar speaker.
Peoria Express Signs
Owner John Green came to us eight years ago with a problem. He’d made signs for over 20 years, but didn’t know anything about starting a business. We helped him with our Early Entrepreneurs program and he now has shops in 12 states.
Fine Flights
When pilot Marie Chu came to us, she’d already spent several years in business. She needed to create marketing campaigns that got results without taking all her time for a new “Date Flight” service that included fine dining. By the time we were finished, she’d already booked her schedule for a month of flights.
Our Top-Rated Services
You’re busy running your business. We understand! That’s why we have a wide range of helpful services to take the load off your shoulders.
New Services Coming Soon
When a business already offers great consultancy services, where can it go from there? At Amazing Business Consulting, we’re proud to announce several new services we’ll have available for our clients starting late spring 2015. Several service expansions are also underway, providing accounting, marketing, business writing and mentoring services for busy entrepreneurs.