瞄准世界: 非洲,向人类展示你最好的一面 !
可持续发展目标 (SDG) 的建议在第 17.3 点中非常明确: “从多渠道筹集额外财政资源用于发展中国家。“
显然,非洲大陆不可能靠自己发展。 此外,继续局限于旧的合作形式是不明智的,这些合作当然仍然有用,但已经达到了极限。
这就是为什么”Saigloin–Africa“提供了一种独特且真正创新的方法:即非洲人与世界上所有国家开展多方面和多样化的互动; 他们探索迄今为止未知的其他领域。
互联网的魔力和力量,再加上我们希望在每个国家建立可信和可靠的伙伴关系和联络点这一事实,将确保您的“最好的…”一定会被其他非洲人看到。 最重要的是,它必然会呈现给 G20 国家和世界其他地区。 所以你会赢两次。
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- Sed et turpis ullamcorper
Best of Cameroon
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Central African Republic
Costs in Advance
Personal Advisement Services
Technology Planning
Best of Chad
Managed Hosting
IT Outsourcing
eCommerce Solutions
Best of Comoros
Environmental Sustainability
Energy Audits
Green IT Analysis
Best of Congo (Democratic Republic of the)
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Congo (Republic of the)
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Cote d’Ivoire
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Djibouti
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Egypt
Costs in Advance
Personal Advisement Services
Technology Planning
Best of Equatorial Guinea
Managed Hosting
IT Outsourcing
eCommerce Solutions
Best of Eritrea
Environmental Sustainability
Energy Audits
Green IT Analysis
Best of Eswatini
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Ethiopia
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Gabon
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Gambia
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Ghana
Costs in Advance
Personal Advisement Services
Technology Planning
Best of Guinea
Managed Hosting
IT Outsourcing
eCommerce Solutions
Best of Guinea-Bissau
Environmental Sustainability
Energy Audits
Green IT Analysis
Best of Kenya
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Lesotho
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Liberia
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Libya
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Madagascar
Costs in Advance
Personal Advisement Services
Technology Planning
Best of Malawi
Managed Hosting
IT Outsourcing
eCommerce Solutions
Best of Mali
Environmental Sustainability
Energy Audits
Green IT Analysis
Best of Mauritania
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Mauritius
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Morocco
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Mozambique
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Namibia
Costs in Advance
Personal Advisement Services
Technology Planning
Best of Niger
Managed Hosting
IT Outsourcing
eCommerce Solutions
Best of Nigeria
Environmental Sustainability
Energy Audits
Green IT Analysis
Best of Rwanda
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Sao Tome and Principe
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Senegal
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Seychelles
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Sierra Leone
Costs in Advance
Personal Advisement Services
Technology Planning
Best of Somalia
Managed Hosting
IT Outsourcing
eCommerce Solutions
Best of South Africa
Environmental Sustainability
Energy Audits
Green IT Analysis
Best of South Sudan
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Sudan
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Tanzania
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Togo
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
Best of Tunisia
Costs in Advance
Personal Advisement Services
Technology Planning
Best of Uganda
Managed Hosting
IT Outsourcing
eCommerce Solutions
Best of Zambia
Environmental Sustainability
Energy Audits
Green IT Analysis
Best of Zimbabwe
Optimize Performance
Contract Consultants
Internet Practice
List of the 54 independent states of Africa in alphabetical order
- A
- Algeria
- Angola
- B
- Benin
- Botswana
- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
- C
- Cabo Verde
- Cameroon
- Central African Republic (CAR)
- Chad
- Comoros
- Congo, Democratic Republic of the
- Congo, Republic of the
- Cote d’Ivoire
- D
- Djibouti
- E
- Egypt
- Equatorial Guinea
- Eritrea
- Eswatini (formerly Swaziland)
- Ethiopia
- G
- Gabon
- Gambia
- Ghana
- Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau
- K
- Kenya
- L
- Lesotho
- Liberia
- Libya
- M
- Madagascar
- Malawi
- Mali
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Morocco
- Mozambique
- N
- Namibia
- Niger
- Nigeria
- R
- Rwanda
- S
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Senegal
- Seychelles
- Sierra Leone
- Somalia
- South Africa
- South Sudan
- Sudan
- T
- Tanzania
- Togo
- Tunisia
- U
- Uganda
- Z
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe